make your free washington quitclaim deed

what is a washington quitclaim deed?
quitclaim deeds are used for many purposes, including gifts of property, conveyances to correct prior deeds, and conveyances to settle a legal dispute. quitclaim deeds are also used simply to confirm that the grantor does not claim any interest in the described property.
when to use a washington quitclaim deed:
- you are passing your rights in a piece of property to a spouse or ex-spouse.
- you are gifting your property to another person or family member.
- you are transferring ownership in a property to a trust.
- you are correcting the spelling of a name in a previous deed.
- you are changing tenancy (how the property is owned) between owners.
- you are clarifying if the property is community or separate property after marriage.
sample washington quitclaim deed
the terms in your document will update based on the information you provide
after recording return to:
quit claim deed
grantor: and
grantee: and
assessor's tax parcel number:
reference no.:
the grantor, and for and in consideration of $1 and other good and valuable consideration, hereby conveys and quit claims to the grantee, and the following described real property, situated in the county of , state of washington:
legal description:
subject to covenants, conditions, restrictions, and easements, if any, affecting title, which may appear in the public record, including those shown on any recorded plat or survey.
tax parcel no.
commonly known as: , , washington
grantor signatures:
state of | ) |
) ss. |
county of | ) |
i certify that i know or have satisfactory evidence that and