make your free request to return or destroy a credit report

what is a request to return or destroy a credit report?
you depend on your credit report for a lot of things, like getting a good rate on a loan or having your credit application accepted. after the loan's been approved, protect yourself with a request to return or destroy a credit report. what if the lender is lax when it comes to locking file cabinets, or what if your credit report is left on someone's desk? that's your confidential information and you need to protect that important information from identity thieves. there's little reason for a lender to keep your credit report after an application is complete. get it taken care of with a request to return or destroy a credit report.
when to use a request to return or destroy a credit report:
- you want to request that a lender return your credit report.
- you want to request that a lender destroy your credit report.
sample request to return or destroy a credit report
the terms in your document will update based on the information you provide

re: request to return credit report
your company has previously requested a copy of my credit report and other personal data. the request for the report was made in connection with
now that the credit report has served its purpose, please return the report to me. i am making this request to reduce the amount of my personal and sensitive financial information that is in the possession of third parties who do not need it.
please provide written confirmation that you have taken the requested action. you may contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. (preferred) or (alternate)
thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.