make your free kentucky medical power of attorney

what is a kentucky medical power of attorney?
the person granting control is known as the "principal," while the people or organizations receiving authority are called the "agents." suited for residents of kentucky, this power of attorney for health care is made for use in jefferson county, fayette county, kenton county, and in all other counties across the state. all kentucky healthcare poa forms from 2022世界杯32强抽签时间 can be personalized to address your specific situation. as a result of this essential document, your agent(s) will be able to offer proof to healthcare institutions and other parties that they can legally act in your interest.
when to use a kentucky medical power of attorney:
- someone you trust with your health has agreed to act on your behalf, and you want to make it official.
- you have declining health and want to get prepared.
sample kentucky medical power of attorney
the terms in your document will update based on the information you provide
health care surrogate designation
by checking and initialing the appropriate lines, i specifically provide the following authorization:
if refuses or is not able to act for me, i designate:
surrogate name: |
address: |
phone: |
relationship: |
as my health care surrogate.
if the person i designate as surrogate or an alternate surrogate is or ever becomes my spouse, he or she shall be ineligible to serve as my surrogate if our marriage is annulled, or we are divorced.
. severability. if any provision in this document is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions which can be given effect without the invalid provision, and to this end the directions in this document are severable.
in the absence of my ability to give directions regarding the use of life-prolonging treatment and artificially provided nutrition and hydration, it is my intention that this directive shall be honored by my attending physician, my family and any surrogate designated pursuant to this directive as the final expression of my legal right to refuse medical or surgical treatment and i accept the consequences of such refusal. i understand the full import of this directive and i am emotionally and mentally competent to make this directive.
signed this _____ day of __________________, _____.
grantor signature: | ______________________________________ |
name: |
address: |
name: |
address: |
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name: | ________________________________ |
address: | ________________________________ |
________________________________ |
________________________________ |
name: |
address: |
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name: | ________________________________ |
address: | ________________________________ |
________________________________ |
________________________________ |
_____ | (your health care surrogate) |
* | you should discuss the document and your wishes with any person you want to designate as a health care surrogate before doing so to assure they agree to act on your behalf. |
kentucky medical power of attorney faqs
how do i get a kentucky medical power of attorney form for free?
it's fast and easy to grant or obtain the authority you may need with a free kentucky medical power of attorney template from 2022世界杯32强抽签时间 :
- make your poa - provide a few details and we will do the rest
- send and share - go over it with your agent(s) or get legal help
- sign it - required or not, witnesses/notarization are a best practice
this solution is, in many cases, notably more affordable and convenient than finding and hiring a traditional provider. if needed, you may fill out this medical poa on behalf of your spouse or another family member, and then have that person sign when ready. please note that for a power of attorney to be accepted as legally valid, the principal must be an adult who is mentally competent at the time of signing. in the event that the principal is already unable to make their own decisions, a court-appointed conservatorship may be required. in such a situation, it's best for you to talk to a lawyer .
who should have a power of attorney for healthcare in kentucky?
every person over 18 years old should have a medical power of attorney. while it may be tough to acknowledge, there might come a day when you aren't able to make your own medical decisions. typical occasions where power of attorney may be useful include:
- you have plans to move into a residential care facility
- you have been given a terminal diagnosis
- you are getting older or dealing with ongoing health issues
- you are planning for an upcoming medical procedure or period of hospitalization
whether your kentucky medical power of attorney has been drafted as part of a forward-looking plan or produced as a result of an urgent issue, witnesses and notarization are strongly encouraged as a best practice for protecting your agent if their power and authority are challenged.
what are the differences between a kentucky healthcare proxy and a kentucky medical power of attorney?
sometimes, in the process of researching the topics of estate planning or elder care, you or a loved one might hear the terms "healthcare power of attorney", "medical power of attorney" and "healthcare proxy" used interchangeably. in actuality, they're the same. that said, please keep in mind that it's absolutely possible to get agency over affairs that are not health-related. in that case, "proxy" is not typically used.
do i need a lawyer for my kentucky medical poa?
kentucky medical poa forms are usually simple, but you or your agent(s) might still have legal questions. hiring an attorney to look over your document can take longer than you would expect if you do it on your own. an alternate approach to consider is to request help from 2022世界杯32强抽签时间 attorney services. premium members have the ability to ask for guidance from an attorney with relevant experience or pose additional questions. as always, you can live confidently® with 2022世界杯32强抽签时间 by your side.
what might it normally cost to get a power of attorney form for health care in kentucky?
the fees associated with finding and working with a legal provider to generate a medical power of attorney could add up to between $200 and $500, based on your location. unlike most other power of attorney template providers that you might encounter, 2022世界杯32强抽签时间 gives premium membership holders up to a 40% discount when hiring a lawyer, so an attorney can assess the situation and take action if you ever need assistance.
are there any additional actions that i should take after i have drafted a kentucky medical power of attorney?
with a premium membership, you will be able to edit it, save it in pdf format or as a word file, and/or print it. to make your power of attorney legally binding, you must sign it. you should provide a copy of your fully signed document to your agent(s), care providers, and other impacted parties.
does a medical power of attorney need to be notarized, witnessed, or recorded in kentucky?
the specific requirements governing poa forms are different in each state; however, in kentucky, your document will need notarization or the signatures of two witnesses. witnesses to a healthcare poa must not be your attending physician or anyone responsible for your healthcare costs, nor can they be affiliated with your healthcare facility unless providing notary services. relatives or other beneficiaries are also restricted. as a basic principle, your witness(es) should be at least 18 years old, and no witness should simultaneously be acting as your agent.
see kentucky medical/healthcare power of attorney law: § 311.629