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what is a texas name change petition and order?

this petition is used to get a court order for an adult legal name change in texas. a court order is often unnecessary if you just got married or divorced.

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case no. ______________


in the matter of the )


change of name of )

) county, texas


  ) _______ judicial district


original petition for change of name of adult


to the honorable judge of this court:


i, , petitioner, an adult, bring this suit for change of name.


in support of this request, i provide the following information about myself:


1. no discovery is intended.


2. my current full name is .


3. my date of birth is .


4. i was born in , county, , .


5. my home address is , , texas, .


6. my social security number is .


7. my drivers license number is and it was issued in the state of .



9. my race is


10. i request that my name be changed to


11. the reason i want to change my name is:



12.  check one of the following:




13.  check one of the following:





14.  check one of the following:




15.  check one of the following:




16. i have attached a legible and complete set of my fingerprints on a department of public safety or federal bureau of investigation fingerprint card to this petition as exhibit a as required by texas family code section 45.102.


17. i respectfully ask that the court issue an order changing my name to:


  and ask that the court grant me any other relief to which i am entitled, general or specific, legal or equitable.


respectfully submitted:


, , texas,


i, , petitioner, swear under oath that the facts stated in the above original petition for change of name of adult are true and correct.





to be completed by notary:


signed under oath before me on __________________________.



notary public in and for the state of texas


exhibit a



exhibit b

proof of law enforcement notification of name change


case no. ______________


in the matter of the ) in the district court of


change of name of )

) county, texas


  ) _______ judicial district


order granting change of name of adult


on this day, this court heard the original petition for change of name of adult of , petitioner


petitioner appeared in person and announced ready


the court finds that it has jurisdiction of the case and of petitioner


         testimony was not recorded, and the court agreed that it did not need to be recorded.


         testimony was recorded by the official court reporter for the court.


the court finds the following information regarding the petitioner:


1. current full name: .


2. date of birth: .


3. place of birth: , county, , .


4. home address: , , texas, .


5. social security number: .


6. drivers license number and state of issuance: .



8. petitioner's race is:


9.  check one of the following:




10.  check one of the following:





11.  check one of the following:




12.  check one of the following:




13. petitioner attached a legible and complete copy of petitioners fingerprints on a department of public safety or federal bureau of investigation fingerprint card to the petition.


14. petitioners change of name is in petitioners interest or benefit and is in the interest of the public.



it is, therefore, ordered that petitioners name is changed from:




it is further ordered that all relief requested in this case not expressly granted is denied.



signed on _______________ by presiding judge __________________________.

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  • how do i change my name in texas?

    when a name change is part of a marriage or divorce, the request is processed as part of the marriage license or final decree of divorce.

    changing your name in texas outside of a marriage or a divorce is a different process. to change your legal name, you must file a texas name change petition and order with the court. if your petition meets all requirements and you are not changing your name to avoid legal trouble, the court will sign an order granting you a new name.

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