make your free divorce records request letter

what is a divorce records request letter?
a divorce records request letter may be necessary even if your divorce was relatively straightforward. if you want to change your name post-divorce, you need proof. bank accounts, school transcripts, and military ids are just a few examples. you might need proof of a divorce when adopting a child or getting re-married. copies of divorce records are typically held in the city, county, or other local office where the event occurred; to obtain the appropriate address, refer to a telephone book, or refer to the government web site for the locale where the event occurred. you would then use a divorce records request letter to help get a copy of the divorce decree.
when to use a divorce records request letter:
- you need to prove a divorce.
- you need to request a copy of a dissolution or annulment certificate.
sample divorce records request letter
the terms in your document will update based on the information you provide

re: request for divorce/annulment decree
please forward to my attention certified divorce/annulment decree for and . i am whose record is being requested.
to assist you in locating the requested i am providing the following information:
date of divorce/annulment:
type of final decree:
this information is being requested
enclosed is in the amount of for the requested at the above address i can be contacted by phone at . i may be contact by e-mail at . a fax can be sent to . thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.