make your free trademark application worksheet

what is a trademark application worksheet?
when to use a trademark application worksheet:
- you want to obtain information about the trademark application process.
sample trademark application worksheet
the terms in your document will update based on the information you provide

trademark application worksheet
prepared on
applicant's name: |
business address: |
, |
applicant's entity type: the applicant is
description of the mark: the mark is
further, the "mark" is
as follows:
united states patent & trademark office filing fees
as of may 2013
online filing
$275: | application fee per class if filed online and uses uspto pre-approved goods/services |
$325: | application fee per class if filed online and applicant uses own goods/services language |
paper filing
$375 | applicaition fee, per class |
declaration of continued use/ declaration of incontestability
$100 | section 8 affidavit fee, per class |
$100 | section 8 affidavit grace period filing fee, per class |
$200 | section 15 affidavit fee, per class |
$500 | combined section 8 declaration and section 9 application fee, per class |
$200 | surcharge for filing combined section 8 and section 9 renewal application fee, per class within the 6-month grace period |
statement of use
$100 | statement of use fee, per class |
$150 | request for six-month extension of time for filing a statement of use fee, per class |
if your mark includes a design, logo, or symbol, a copy or picture should be attached to the worksheet.